Reclaim YOUR Money!
See what we can get for youEvery year in Ireland, tens of thousands of people fail to reclaim their money from the Revenue Commissioners. Tax Credits, reliefs & rates etc. can be a minefield for people to get their heads around.
That's where Accounting Services Gorey come in. We'll work with your to figure out what you're entitled to and do all the paperwork on your behalf. All you have to do is wait for the cheque to come through the door!

Revenue Returns
Take the pain out if the submission of revenue returns by calling us today. We have the experience and know-how to make the return on your behalf.
We offer general bookkeeping services for personal and business customers. To set up a one to one meeting, get in touch today.
Sole Trader Accounts
Have you set up a business but find yourself confused and frustrated by the accounting obligations and red tape? Contact us to see how we can help.
What our Clients Say
Just got a nice cheque today and i didnt have to lift a finger. Thanks so much, would have never claimed myself with those confusing forms:) Have recommended to friends and familly
Why Choose Us?

Accounting Services Gorey was set up in Jan 2007 and has gone from strength to strength since. We offer an array of services at very competitive prices.
With returns done online, the process of a PAYE refund only takes 14 days from us getting your details to you getting a cheque in the post! Self Employed income tax returns starting from €400.